Brigitte Daniel Allégro

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes
Brigitte Daniel Allégro
Brigitte Daniel Allégro

I have been involved in patchwork and quilting since 1990 and I have enjoyed this hobby alone for many years, whilst working in aeronautical industry. It has been a means for capturing personal moments of my family or friends. Several artists have contributed to my love of textiles, Susan Seagram with her hand dyed fabrics ans Ann Small with the use of mixed media. In 2003, the teaching of Janice Gunner and her support have encouraged me to give up my “day job” and to continue my hobby as a full time occupation.
In 2005, I set up Studio Patchwork – Art textile in order to promote patchwork & quilting in my village.
I am opening my studio to welcome international tutors as well as international students for textile holidays and fun courses.

Source of inspiration

Family vacations were my principal source of inspiration. It is the case of a landscape such as « Kayaks de mer à Brookville » in New England, or architectural theme such as « Mosaïques de Venise », or animal theme such as « Krüger Park » in South Africa .
It was simply the pleasure of patchwing local fabrics to highlight patterns and colours.
The observation of the place where I live, my environment (patrimony, nature).
Emotions raising from an event. An exhibition on the theme of tattoo, scarifications, piercings was at the origin of the series « le corps et l’esprit » (« Body and Sense ».
I do enjoy abstract themes just to concentrate only on plastics elements, combining colours, shapes, textures and lines and avoiding to give a meaning to the composition. It is the case for « Ombre et lumière » (« Sunshine and Shadow »). I figured out different ways to suggest shine and mat, transparency and opacity, relections on water, etc.
At the opposite, I realise textile illustration, the inspiration coming from a text. I illustrated « fictions urbaines » (« Urban Fiction ») as 6 panels.
I always experiment the use of different materials: fabics, leather, lace, fresh flowers, metal, paper.
Quilting is a delight for me, either by hand or by machine. The trace left by the thread on the fabric give dynamics. It is the plus which makes the originality.


  • « Le peuple Yi à travers ses costumes – Technique d’appliqué-brodé » – Ayijinqu Gelu et Brigitte Daniel-Allégro- Mai 2008
  • « A glance at the Yi embroidery » Brigitte DANIEL – Ayijinqu Gelu- January 2009 – le Bibliofil Editions – Edited in French and English
  • « Le café dans tous ses états ou une halte sur la route du café » – January 2011 – Editions Allégro Brigitte D.


  • « Le café dans tous ses états – Du contenant à l’expression artistique » –  January 2011 – Produced and realised by Daniel Tragarz

Teaching – workshops in France and Brazil

Articles in newspapers

« Le Rendez-vous du fil N°2 – Hiver 2009 » Rencontre avec Brigitte Daniel, Artiste textile . La broderie Yi.Pages 5 à 9.

« Popular Patchwork. The UK’s essential quilting magazine. April 2009 » – Article rédigé par Pat Archibald sur une semaine de cours à Studio Patchwork – Art textile.Pages 54 à 56.

« Les Nouvelles Patchwork et Création Textile – N°101 – Juin 2009 » – Rubrique expo et rencontres. Propos recueillis par Monique Lopez-Velasco auprès de Brigitte Daniel pendant le salon de l’aiguille en fête en février 2009 à Paris. Pages 59 à 61.

Education and training

2003 – City & Guilds in Design and Craft – Patchwork & Quilting (UK) – tutor Janice Gunner
2004 – Art School (Toulouse – France)
1983 – Enterprise Administration Diploma (Toulouse – France)
1976 – Engineering Diploma – ENSTA – (Paris – France)
1976 – Engineering Diploma – INSTN – (Saclay – France)

Languages: French, English
I have been doing patchwork and art quilt since 1990.